Monday 24 October 2016

COP 03 / Alec's Feedback

After emailing Alec about my question he gave me some valuable feedback and considerations:

- Present a balanced argument to avoid a one sided piece of writing. This will help with triangulation. Critique the argument throughout.

- it would be interesting to look at not just that impact in terms of numbers, but how it resulted in the different “factions” establishing themselves.

- Just remember that when you consider their property portfolio, impressive as it is, that every Catholic church on the planet, is part of the Catholic church’s assets.

- While some religions are undoubtedly harnessing the internet to better effect than others and catching up a little in the process, some still opt for print. The Watchtower , produced by the Jehovah’s Witnesses is by far the largest print run of any magazine out there at a whopping 62 million copies every other month.

- In terms of brand theory, perhaps modern day rebranding or “shifts” concerning the attitude towards homosexuality or responses to accusations of child abuse could offer really solid contemporary evidence.

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