Monday 17 October 2016

COP 03 / Initial Thoughts & Planning


How does propaganda influence religion?

Things I will be considering:

  • The effects of the media
  • Religion in the media
  • Religious propaganda
  • Secularisation
  • Social aspects 

Initial questions and thoughts:

How has the influence of image, text and rhetoric shaped religion as an ideology, and the attitudes of those within these groups? Have there been any negative aspects? Is religion becoming more secular and why, is this a result of mass media? Examples of popular religious propaganda, including religious imagery in art. What semantics do individuals place into religion? Has the media demonised certain religious groups and through what methods? Can also look into Feminist theory on religion. 

The purpose of the study is to find out what role media has played in the influence of the masses on the topic of religion, and through what methods. To find out how design has been involved in this manipulation through the use of propaganda imagery and text. To research the social aspects of religious concepts and the behaviour and psychology related to how religion effects the individual. 

Texts to look into:

Hoover, M, Religion in the Media Age, 
Kantor, D, Graphic Design & Religion
Brown, J.A.C, Techniques of Persuasion: from propaganda to brainwashing
Singleton, A, Religion culture & Society
Beyer, P, Religion and Globalisation 

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