Monday 24 October 2016

COP 03 / Lecture 02 / Methodologies and Critical Analysis / Notes

What is your methodology:

A logical systematic structural way of organising a research question and collating info. Evidence that you have reflected critically on various research methods and choose ones most appropriate for the project.

E.G library, internet, diary, observation, drawing, writing, questionnaire.

  • Quantitative / Qualitative / Both
  • What will you discover
  • What will you be prevented from discovering
  • What problems will you face setting up these methods
  • What are their benefits 

The post graduate research hand book / Gina Wisker 

- Outline the methodology at the start of the dissertation.

Critical Analysis

Reasoned thinking

- Where was the author, artist, designer or photographer situated?

- Consider different points of view e.g intellectually, emotionally 

- Where am I coming from? e.g emotions. aspirations, context

Context is everything

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