Monday 14 November 2016

COP 03 / Golgotha

Installation of David Mach's 'Golgotha' Sculpture. from David Mach on Vimeo.

Golgotha is a sculpture by the artist David Mach. Golgotha refers to the site immediately outside Jerusalem's walls in which Jesus was crucified according to the gospels. The sculpture features three figures which appear to be depicted as being crucified, laden with nails. It is interesting to note how the artist has interpreted how individuals were nailed to the cross, by having them over the entire body, seemingly to represent the weight and pain of crucifixion, and how metaphorically, all those who watch 'hammer a nail' into those who are punished this way. 

The sculpture's contemporary structure, having crossing metal beams on slants instead of the traditional upright cross structure, creates a dynamic aesthetic, and the use of grey conveys modernity by communicating an industrial theme. The 'nails' are created through Mach's iconic use of wire coat hangers, again using a contemporary object as an art tool. 

Each of the bodies is shown in a different position, perhaps communicating different positions of turmoil. Mach is able to show a sense of movement and vibration through the materials he uses. Although disturbing and slightly uncomfortable to view, this piece of art demonstrates how religious art is still being created. Mach's Golgotha is probably not semantically similar to other more traditional art pieces, however, it does still hold a religious theme and an authentic interpretation of the crucifixion. It takes a more abstract approach. 

“Golgotha is my largest coat hanger piece to date,” Mach says. “I wanted this sculpture to be dramatic. It is an epic, violent scene. So the sculpture needed to have as much pathos as possible. I extruded the coat hanger hooks outward to reflect that and to me they seem to capture the agony of the moment.” 

Golgotha has been located in religious locations such as the Chester Cathedral. 

The Bible has it all- war, famine, sex, death, pestilence, jealousy, revenge. Struggle, pain, love death- it’s all in there, as an artist, I think I would struggle to find a richer source of inspiration. No single text has had such a profound effect on our language, culture, and thoughts as this book.” - David Mach. (source)

David Mach’s ‘Golgotha’ sculpture casts the crucifixion in coat hangers (2016) Available at: (Accessed: 14 November 2016).

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