Tuesday 22 November 2016

COP 03 / Tutorial 03

During the tutorial today, the practial element was discussed. Things to consider:

- the product - what are they buying it for?

- diagram of issues linked to the issues featured in the essay

- how different types of christians attitudes would change towards the product

brand different objects -
- perfume
- drink
- air freshner
- cleaner

the same physical product, branded in a way to serve different functions

other ideas
- things that look like jesus (jesus appearing in toast, a crisp etc)
- could be made into a small zine as a quick project

references to look into:
- artists shit
- paris air duchamp
- yves Klein

As for the essay, Ben emailed me some notes to improve chapter 01:

You need to provide counter arguments to Packard's ideas - are they really essential?
  • I don’t understand Klein’s position yet from your chapter - what are her key ideas?
  • You need to begin to link each of these paragraphs to your essay question - link to concepts from religion (transubstantiation, etc.) or examples.
  • Conclusion - What are the key features of our subjectivity that branding aims to exploit? Summarise and explain how you will explore in the next chapter on religion and why?

Things that should be addressed in chapter 01:
  • “Me” vs. “I” – differentiated in branding theories
  • Where is the “We” in branding theory? What kind community does it consider?
  • Does brand theory work at the level of the individual and/or the collective?

In the tutorial today, it was said that for chapter 02 and 01, some religious references need to be made to start to synthesise throughout and ensure there is a consistent theme, not just a type up of brand theories.

I should also begin to create a glossary of religious terms and begin to relate them to branding terms.

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