Wednesday 2 November 2016

COP 03 / Tutorial 01

During the first tutorial with Ben, my final question was discussed, and I went into depth about the areas I will be exploring during the module. It was helpful to collate my thoughts onto documents and slides and made it easier to articulate my project.

During the tutorial we worked through the planned structure of the essay, which again was beneficial into establishing where the project would go during writing. So far I had been taking notes and quotes, and did not have a developed and final essay structure.

It was also useful to begin to talk about the practical element, even if I'm currently not at a developed stage with this element of the module. Thinking about what I will produce as a practical piece now means that this can now start to evolve over the next few weeks.

Ben also gave me a selection of resources to broading my reading/research:

  • Philosophical notions of “The Gift” (Derrida) 
  • Bataille ‘Theory of Religion’ – I think you might like Bataillle’s writing (I haven’t read this one, so can’t comment)
  • Investigate the etymology of the term: brand – are there any links to religion there, even vaguely (fire as religious symbol)
  • Elias Canetti ‘Crowds and Power'

In preparation for the next tutorial, I will bring the first draft of chapter 01 and the introduction, 4 key quotes and examples of case studies.

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