Monday 28 November 2016

COP 03 / Practical / Benefits of Holy Water

Ultimately, the product will need to have a selling point. A google search lead me to a website which contained benefits that religious figures have claimed Holy Water have.

St Padre Pio
"Each time a priest blesses water to make it holy; he acts on behalf of the Church.' 'Jesus listens to the prayers of the Church and blesses whomever the Church prays for.' 'Hence, whoever takes Holy Water and sprinkles it upon himself or upon objects that are present or absent, he can be assured that every time, the prayer of the Church will reach Heaven.' 'Without fail, it brings down graces on his soul and body, as well as all the objects that are touched by the Holy Water. It also puts the evil spirits to flight." 

St. Teresa of Avila
St. Teresa of Avila tells us the following: “I have often found by experience that there is nothing from which the devils fly more quickly and return not again than from Holy Water. They also fly from a Cross-, but they return again immediately. Certainly, the power of Holy Water must be great; for my part, my soul feels particular comfort in taking it, and very generally a refreshment and interior delight. St. Theresa also reminded us of the power of prayer by these words, “How often I failed in my duty to God, because I was not leaning on the strong pillar of prayer. Always accompany a spritz with a short mental prayer.  

St. Raynerius D’Aqua
Born in Pisa, Italy in 1117. He is known for healing the sick with Holy Water. The word of his works spread throughout Christianity, so that people would come from all parts of the world to have him bless their water.

From finding what actual holy figures have to say about the benefits of Holy Water, it has given me an insight in what I can advertise it as, such as a miracle spray with healing powers, refreshment, and a liquid to ward off evils. It does not have to be entirely logical, and even could be quite abstract. This ties in with my writing, as writers such as Vance Packard demonstrate that if the hidden needs (security, roots, love objects etc) are provided through a product, the consumer is likely to buy it. I need to apply these within the advertising campaign to ensure that there is sound synthesis between the two projects. 

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