Thursday 12 January 2017

COP 03 / Evaluation

Previously in levels 4 and 5 the Context of Practice module has been the most challenging and definitely interested me the least out of the other modules. I have never found that essay writing is one of my strengths, however through the skills picked up throughout the past two years, alongside learning from mistakes, has made me more determined to work hard on Cop 3. Since this was a 6-9,000 word essay in comparison to the standard 3,000 in levels 4 and 5, this was daunting at first and extremely challenging, requiring a higher level of critical comprehension and research than previously undertaken. Choosing a subject that interests me has benefited the project massively, proving to be far more engaging than research questions in the past. It was highly challenging but allowed me to explore a subject I am interested in, religion, combined with graphic design. I was able to incorporate fundamental knowledge I already had on the sociological aspect of religious theory, and build on it to form a wider understanding of brand theory, as a whole and in relation to religion. Formulating a time plan helped keep me on track but due to circumstances and changing of ideas, it was not always easy to stick to it. However, keeping a record of what I needed to do helped to motivate and push me.

The practical side of the module has been my most enjoyable if not frustrating on the course to date. Choosing to produce an actual product with a substantial amount of deliverables proved to challenge my capabilities digitally and physically. I had not yet chose a packaging brief which I produced the physical packaging for rather than relying on a mock up. I learned that manual folding/constructing is still not my forte however I learned skills for embossing and creating nets.

Being introduced to ceramics was extremely interesting and rewarding to the overall process, as I had to think constructively in terms of creating a fully functional bottle inside a jesmonite cast. There was many errors but through support and learning I finally achieved what I wanted to. Overall, learning more about ceramics has introduced a newfound passion which will be carried out towards extended practice.

The most beneficial area to this module is the skills I have picked up when producing practical work. Last year I had only touched on After Effects and knew very little. Learning this by trial and error was the method I chose, as what I wanted to produce was something quite simplistic. I was proud of the videos I produced and of the skills I can now take further.

As for the practical work overall, it is rewarding to see that you are producing work that not only interests you, but coincides with the written element and research. It is evident in comparison with level 5 Context of Practice that I enjoyed this module a lot more, and really immersed myself in it. Through it, I have gained a portfolio piece that I am ultimately proud of and that is extremely important to my practice.

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