Tuesday 10 January 2017

COP 03 / Practical / Final Advertisements

With every well established product there is a video advertisement. 

I wanted to create an ambiguous and artistic representation of the christian religion through this product, enticing non-religious and religious members alike. Through my essay, I explored how religion utilises new means to try and remain current in our competitive markets today. Wherever we go we are greeted by media. The aim was to get religion back on the map especially with today's youths, through the use of something current and ubiquitous -  commodity. 

The advertisements include a full version suitable for longer ad breaks and cinema viewing (before the trailers). By keeping the audience in mind, I wanted to create something that intrigued people and put a 'cool' view onto belief through the marriage of religion and consumer culture, alongside keeping it design conscious. The use of the same blue, grey, black and white theme considers consistency, and this deliverable paved the way for many of the others. 

A variety of footage was used, not all of it my own shooting, for instance the Priest - I do not have access or consensus to record this myself, yet a lot of the video footage is authentic and video'd by myself in various settings such as Tropical World, Malham, and Roundhay. The footage I used keeps with a serene and pure theme, for instance natural forms, water and swans, all connote the feeling of purity. 

The religious side of things involves footage of a very aesthetic looking church, again to bring out the same feeling of cleanliness, using footage of a white church created a contemporary slant onto Chruches which may be predominantly seen as traditional. 

As for the sound, the full length version features Nightmarket by Burial, an ambient and contemporary piece which helped to connote the feeling of purity and calm through the vivid colour and impactful text. For the shorter ad, I did not want the same full volume feel, and so went with a transcript from the footage of the Catholic mass and located a suitable section, featuring the act of Christ's rebirth, fitting in successfully with the branding and function of the product - that we may be redeemed and reset from sin. Over this is Femen by Crystal Castles, again a contemporary and ambient song which features the singing of a choir played backwards. 

Keeping the Chanel ad in mind when constructing the text narrative, I wanted to keep it choppy and exciting, since for some of it there would be repetition, for example in the word 'reborn', this avoided it becoming boring by changing the colours in the background alongside video footage and large type. 

The logo is included at the end of the long length ad, whereas it is at the start of the shorter one, so the audience can identify the brand quickly during the shorter 11 second mark in comparison to the 55 second version. Adding a glitched effect onto it brought the logo to life.

HOLY WATER SHORT AD from Lo Wilcock on Vimeo.

If this was to be produced professionally I am sure the conviction of the video could be improved with a higher budget to film footage and professional advertising specialists constructing the video. However, these videos demonstrate a competent attempt at creating an ambiguous and exciting advertisement which I feel successfully captures the brand and the aims of the project.


Full version

Is the product obvious? 

1. Yes, but I only realised towards the end.

2. From the logo at the very end of the video I did make sense of it after thinking about the visuals I'd just seen. It's very mysterious and modern, so it definitely intrigued me, and it is obvious by the brand name but maybe not the visual videos as much.

3. Not initially but the advert keeps you guessing throughout. Very cool that it all seems to come together once you see the brand name and the product at the end.

What were your thoughts as you watched this advert?

1. Wow! Very cool - love the colour you've used throughout, keeps it current

2. Really current and has some interesting connotations in relation to religion, I like the way you've done this.

3. Its as though you've made religion a more modernised thing, even though I wouldn't say Christianity is dated anymore, it still brings it to another level.

Short Version

Is the product obvious?

1. Not as obvious as the first one but it is shorter

2. It made me wonder what the product was after seeing the logo straight away. I think people would assume it was Holy water, the blue gives off the impression it is something to do with water

3. Initially it looks like it could be a film or TV show but the religious theme makes it more obvious it's holy water.

What were your thoughts as you watched this advert?

1. Dynamic, makes me want to visit the website and find out more, and whether it is really religious or not.

2. Loved the imagery of the swan, especially. I enjoyed it and liked the use of the priest talking.

3. It looks professional just like the other, liked how you condensed this one!


From the final feedback I can conclude that the advertising campaigns fulfill the aims that were intended, to create a contemporary setting for a religious product which excited an audience. I found it interesting that on the 3rd question someone wondered whether it was religious, again an aim was to keep it open and ambiguous.

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