Friday 2 December 2016

COP 03 / Essay Structure

Following on from the tutorial I now have a fairly refined essay structure to refer to as I write the dissertation. This aims to collate all my thoughts and ensure nothing is forgotten about. It's harder to write something of this length if there is no guide.


Setting the scene ~ Vatican City
Include reasonings behind dissertation question
Discuss themes of chapter 01
Discuss themes of chapter 02
Discuss themes of chapter 03
Conclude thoughts and discuss hypothesis 

Chapter 01

Discuss aims of chapter 01
Linguistic definition
Branding is ubiquitous / Jock Young 'bulimic society'
Emergence of capitalism
Using emotion / Selling emotional security / Sainsbury's advert
Exploiting insecurities
Branding defines us / identity
Selling reassurance of worth
The badge / The logo
Brand representation
Brand loyalty

Chapter 02

Discuss the aims of chapter 02
Durkheim / Definition of religion
Talcott Parsons / Institution of Values
Freud / frustration
Marxism / Opiate of the masses / Ideological Apparatus
Divine Right of Kings / ascribed status
Critique of Marx & Engles
Weber / Protestant Work ethic / Predestination
Criticism of Weber
Davie / Believing without Belonging
Robert Bellah / Sheilaism 
Voas / Secularisation

Chapter 03

Mara Einstein / Reasons for 'faith brands' 
Lyon / Jesus in Disneyland / Olins triangulation
Parsons / Dreze & Nunes / social status
Identity / Rogers self actualisation / Packard's Roots
Fundamentals of branding in relation to religion (logo, assets)
Love objects
Brand values / religious values / Apple 
Technology / Ceremonies

Chapter 04 - Continues straight on from Chapter 3 but separated for clarity.

Distribution / Hoover
Tom Outing

Chapter 05 

Passion of the Christ


Religion's dominance historically
Criticisms of comparison to now / B.C
Criticisms of dated theories vs modern ones
Links between functions / Berger
Final quotes / Einstein & Lyon 

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