Saturday 3 December 2016

COP 03 / Primary Research / Ethics

In order to ensure my primary research is completed smoothly, ethics need to be considered and the process should be treated with care.


The topic I have chosen to base my dissertation on could be viewed as a 'touchy' subject which may easily offend those who have certain beliefs. During my research it is not my aim to make anyone feel uncomfortable or offended, rather to gather different perspectives on the subject of religion and to explore the various viewpoints surrounding religious marketing.

To ensure that the likelihood of anyone becoming upset or offended is near to impossible, I must craft the questions I will be asking any participants in a way that is not too invasive or rude in regards to their belief. As someone who does not practice any form of Christianity anymore, this will require putting myself in the participants shoes to ensure smooth responses.

Consent & Right to withdraw

The participant may at any point withdraw their data from my study, and I will disclose this at the end of each conversation/email. It is entirely up to them if they wish to participate in my research.


I am to collect data from a variety of sources such as those who use religious marketing in their business, church affiliates, religious marketing specialists and religious peers.

It is the participants choice whether they would prefer their name to be in my research, or to remain anonymous.

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