Tuesday 6 December 2016

COP 03 / Primary Research / Street Monk

Whilst in town searching for a bottle for my practical work, I came across a very polite and helpful monk who had travelled from London to spread the message about ways to relax using meditation and yoga. It was a great coincidence to be approached by him, as we could both help each other. When I mentioned my dissertation he seemed very interested and willing to share a thought with me. Through the discussion a quote by Nikhil stood out especially:

"Regardless of how religion is presented or advertised the principles of religion stay universal. They are not affected by any external changes and that's what determines true spirituality as opposed to religion being practiced externally" - Nikhil Padhiar.

This was a useful outlook on the topic, in that although branding may be used to promote religion, the meaning may not change, rather the externalities adapt and change to fit the needs to promote said religion. Nikhil also gave me a book and flyer about spirituality, chanting and the power of mantra meditation for a small donation to Bhaktivedanta Manor. Although this is not explicitly the religion I am focussing on, it is still demonstrating the need for spirituality and faith to be branded in order to be distributed using media such as print and online websites.

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