Tuesday 6 December 2016

COP 03 / Tutorial 04

Practical ideas discussed:

- Being reborn, repenting for sins
Big outlined text, cut out shapes and remove the 'sins' within imagery. Online presence involves sharing sins online to gain forgiveness, and promoting Holy Water product.

- Perfume bottle being made to look 'natural', like a rock
Links back to Packard's need 'Roots', symbolises the rebirth of Jesus emerging from the tomb and moving the rock. Old testiment. Could the rock be broken to get the product out? 'cast the stone'

- Taglines
"Free from sin"
"Cast the first stone"
"Purity reborn"

- Advertisement
Different lighting moving around the product symbolising night and day, rebirth

Tests to be done:

- Posters using text and collage

- Sand blast bottle

- Modelling foam / Alginate / Ceramics ?


- Within branding, the story is consistant, there is a meta narrative. Similarly to religion & theme of my practical

- Works in all media

- Are all narratives 'fictional'? does not mean they are socially unuseful if they are still promoting moral values

- Can the analysis focussing on religion bring out a more socially constructive analysis on branding within contemporary society?

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