Friday 16 December 2016

COP 03 / Methodology Plan


In order to plan out how research will be conducted, there must be considerations into methodology. E.G library, internet, diary, observation, drawing, writing, questionnaire. The aim of my primary research is to gather data by professionals, religious figures and religious individuals to find out the current status of religion in regards to branding, and whether people have noticed this connection inside and outside the realm of graphic design.


Interviews will require permission and time from the interviewee. To gain sound qualitative data, a rapport should be established which can take time which will not be as feasible within the time frame. Data must be protected in terms of anonymity if interviewee prefers, and the option to withdraw should also be introduced at the start of any interview. Since it would be qualitative data issued from an interview, the nature of it could be sensitive, and some may not want to answer, which would be a problem for collating true data.


The internet will be a useful source for a lot of research during the module. Case studies will be collated, and some information will be unavailable to me unless I use the internet. For example, I will be researching famous individuals such as Marilyn Manson - someone I cannot readily contact myself. Finding information about religious distribution and also online PDFs will be a pinnacle element to my project too.


Questionnaires offer the chance to collect qualitative or quantitative data. Quantitative data is not rich in subjective data, it is on the objective side as numerical data can possibly be generalised. Qualitative data can still be collated from questionnaires, however it could be possible that due to the general fast nature of questionnaires, rich data could be compromised due to variables such as the participant only sharing parts of information, or not completing the questionnaire accurately. Questionnaires can be done by post or online. Postal questionnaires can focus on specific areas, meaning they are easy to control. Due to the questionnaire being completed in private, respondents may have time to mull over their answers and be more honest due to the element of anonymity. However postal questionnaires generate a low response, and answers may not have full clarity. Questionnaires can also be sent via email, which is a more convenient way of asking questions and will be one that will be included in my methodology. Since I am wanting to ask professional designers and holy figures questions, this is a great way to reach individuals that I could not in person.

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